Regarding world and (apparent) procedural generation


New member
Since the world is (apparently) procedurally generated, I suggest, depending if you truly want to make it an MMO or MMO-like, to simply have several save havens spread over the cardinal points, and maybe some important spots and/or trading posts/outposts, and let everything beyond that simply be randomly generated. So basically you have a big map of uncharted territory (as big as the server allows), and with every wipe, the world will be different.
Or maybe the world starts out rather small, and gets bigger with more uncharted territory with each update?
On a similar note: mapping. You could give players the ability to map the surroundings, and maybe give players the opportunity to sell, share or trade their maps.
Also, I don't know whether there will be private servers, but maybe only the "main" servers will have save havens and in private servers, you and your crew (if you have one) will simply get tossed into the world?
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