in 0.15.31 and some previous versions loading the ship you have already loaded in the ship editor hides all panels that match between the old and new ship
In the recently released tech tree plan the steam tech is missing a weapon. I suggest this second weapon be a Gatling gun to fulfil the close range role anti personnel weapon that the other trees have.
Bring on the Gatling turrets!
There are many types of sail out there and as someone who prefers to cruise quietly I feel there should be a variety of sails to utilize on board your skyships.
One many will be familiar with is the bermuda rig whose triangular shape you might recognize from another game. It is very good at...
When panels get twisted on themselves the lighting breaks and turns the panels a much darker color than normal. Additionally the selectable area for these dark areas in the ship builder extends some distance away from the actual panel making it difficult or even impossible to select objects...
When moving things with the ez gizmo the snap grid can become misaligned so some parts are snapping to points halfway between the normal snap grid
version 0.14.48
the append and move gizmos a blurred based on the position of whatever is behind them resulting in them often being very blurry and giving me a headache
version 0.14.32
ez mode gizmos generated by adding panels do not fully highlight the edges/vertices of the panel, often highlighting a couple vertices and one edge
version 0.14.31
One thing I felt the world's adrift ship design lacked was variety in propulsion methods. Only having turbines, propellers and one sail is such a tragically small part of the variety that is available. This post is to consolidate as many methods of propulsion as possible to remind the devs of...
Bring back the suggestion discussion channel on discord. While a traditional forum like this is great for keeping ideas as one coherent piece you can easily find it seriously lacks the organic discussions of the old discord channel.
adding a panel often doesn't generate an ez gizmo. generates error message [KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary]
when in hard mode and using the add face tool, selecting the edge of a face then holding ctrl and selecting the gizmo of the face, the selected edge becomes deselected.
version 0.14.10
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